miércoles, 31 de agosto de 2011

Mars Attacks! Pixel Art

This was my favorite movie as a kid  :)

lunes, 29 de agosto de 2011

Fashion Illustration (II)

Moschino Spring 2011

domingo, 28 de agosto de 2011

Fashion Illustration (I)

Sorrrryyyyyyy! u_____u

Hi everybody!

I'm so, so sorry for not updating this blog  u__u   But I'm really centered in my website, where I've uploaded many new things in the past few months!

You can check them out here: www.mayapixelskaya.com

I'm also very active on both my Facebook and Twitter pages  :)

But I don't intend to abandon this blog. Actually, since my website is mostly oriented to my videogame-related creations, from now on I'll also use this space to upload other kind of drawings that don't fit anywhere else  :P

So please don't leave! There are more things to come!  :)

